
GMB, through a publication of policies decreed through instructions and internal controls, we maintain a high level of environmental, social and governance principles.


To be a company focused on the management, structuring and integration of mining projects that balances the requirements of quality, scope, time and costs; adapting specifications and plans to the various concerns and interests of our customers. Working in a highly motivated and development environment for our staff, respecting the environment in which we operate.


To be recognized as the best company in charge of mining management projects and management of Mining Projects in the scenarios and projects where we participate, based on our human factor, quality criteria, safety and respect for the environment, fully and comprehensively fulfilling all our commitments. . Mining Company, Investment Service.

Code of

The demands we place on our customers and suppliers to meet our quality standards throughout the supply chain are unquestionable.

We expect from our customers, suppliers, consumers, intermediaries, producers and carriers:

  • Adhere to jurisdictional laws.

  • Defend fundamental Human Rights, including those that are related to the dignity of employees, emphasizing equal opportunities in a respectful environment and with a fair salary without differences, arbitrariness or harassment.

  • Implement high safety and occupational health models for the protection of employees.

  • Prevent child labor and modern slavery in all its manifestations.

  • Execute actions ethically, suppress money laundering and take strong measures against bribery and corruption.

  • Commit to preventing the entry of conflict minerals into the supply chain at any time.

  • Adhere to sound principles for the protection of the environment, carrying out concrete measures to minimize pollution and emissions, and to avoid environmental degradation through activities of extraction, production, transport, conversion or consumption of basic products. Work with local communities, in a responsible and transparent way, to protect their rights and improve their lives.

  • Comply with tax and fiscal requirements, through a Tax Strategy

We condemn all activities in the commodity sector related to the illegal or illicit exploitation of products and resources that, directly or indirectly, finance or benefit armed groups in conflict zones.


in Conflict


GMB it condemns all activities in the raw materials sector related to the illegal exploitation of products and resources that benefit armed groups in conflict zones.

We continually evaluate our suppliers to ensure continued adherence to this policy. We reserve the right to require any documentation regarding the origin of any conflict minerals included in your products.


  1. Support the projects and objectives of the international legislation elaborated by different organizations on the supply of "conflict minerals".

  2. Do not source specific metals that are produced in facilities in the “Conflict Region” that are not proven to be “conflict free” or for which the supplier has not certified a checklist.

  3. To certify compliance with these obligations and require our suppliers to perform reasonable due diligence with their supply chains to ensure that the metals listed are sourced exclusively from:

  • Mines and smelters outside the «Conflict Region» or;

Mines and smelters that have been deemed “conflict free” if sourced within the “Conflict Region”, as evidenced by all supporting traceability documentation as outlined in the OECD guidelines.



We are committed to continually improving the environmental performance of our own company and the elements of the industry that we support and facilitate.

GMB recognizes that to be a primary partner to its clients, business must be conducted in a sustainable manner. This means that in addition to operating a business that offers good business value in meeting client goals, we must ensure that our services are delivered in a way that does not jeopardize the ability of future generations to enjoy these amenities.

With this goal in mind, we have hosted this Environment Policy, to express our commitment to continuously improve the environmental work of our own company and the elements of the industry that we facilitate.


We will strive to use resources efficiently, reduce harmful emissions, and ensure a positive impact on the communities with which we interact. The benefit of this policy and the enhancement of our environmental practice are achieved through our ISO 9001 registered Management System. Key aspects of this system include:

  • Carry out robust policies to prove that our people and those acting on our behalf comply with legal requirements and support our policy objectives.

  • Insist on strong certificates of origin where appropriate and consistently ensure conflict materials cannot enter our supply chain.

  • Unfold opportunities for customers to extend the benefits of reclaimed, recycled, and alternatively sourced materials.

  • Maintain solid protocols for responding to emergencies and contingencies.

  • Review of environmental impact indicators to improve these measurements.

  • Effective investigation and corrective action in response to any event that does not meet our environmental interests.

This policy has the full support of our Board of Directors and hence the commitment of the entire company.


Complex Situations
Real Solutions

Concentrates and Minerals

GMB has developed a solid position in the commercialization of gold, silver and copper concentrates for the international metallurgical industry…

Precious Metals

We are a responsible international marketer, dedicated to the international marketing of dore gold, high purity silver and copper…

Mineralized Sands

GMB seeks to effectively and efficiently develop the marketing of mineralized sands, responding to the highest standards...

Rare Earth

The applications of these interesting materials include the use in the manufacture of hybrid and electric vehicles, fiber optics...

CONTACTSWrite us Now

If you want more information about our company, services or products, we invite you to fill out the following form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Santa Ana Port
Torreón Building, Floor 4, Office #405.
Guayaquil – Ecuador
(+593) 098 1929-999


If you have any questions, we invite you to fill out the following contact form. It will be a great pleasure to help you.

    For contacts, we ask you to contact us by the following means
    BRANCH OFFICESIn Latin America
    Puerto Santa Ana - Torreón Building, Floor 4, Office #405.
    Guayaquil – Ecuador
    CRA 7C BIS #139-18, Office 703.
    Bogotá D.C. – Colombia
    CONTACT USFollow us
    For more information we invite you to visit our networks.

    Copyright GMB Latam 2023. Maquetado por HipermediaEC